Step by Step Instruction to Create a Class
- If you are a user without a group, you can go to home page, click Search School/Class link as below. The Search School/Class is at the bottom of all pages:
- Enter search criteria e.g. name: "Sunny Elementary", city: "Sunnyvale" and state: select "California", then click search button
- If your kid school found, click "Search class(es)" on the left of the school and goto step 6. Otherwise if "no school found" page shown up as below or your kid school is not in the result list. That means your kid school is not in the system yet. Click "here" link as show below to create a school of your kid.
- Fill in school name, type, start and end grade, street, city, state and zip code location information etc then click submit
- Then you'll see the confirmation page
- Other user may come to the same page after search and select the school as from step 3. Select grade e.g. 2nd grade and may found no class found for that grade as
- If your kid class is not found in the system, they can click the link as above to creation page as below
- enter information like above then click submit button and you'll see the confirmation page below which is initial group home page.